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Плагины с двемерами
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Раса Двемеров by Бафур
Dwemer Race и Better Bodies for Dwemer: Раса высоких технологий, построившая множество городов и крепостей по всему Тамриэлю, известная своим особенным оружием и доспехами. Сконструированные ими загадочные механизмы до сих пор можно обнаружить в развалинах двемерских крепостей.
Объединено с плагином New Dwemer head, который делает играбельной голову двемера-призрака, а так же с Better Bodies for Dwemer, переделывающий тела Двемеров под Better Bodies.

Dwemer Battle Centurion 1.5 by Michael Panetta and Ethan Holbrook
[From the Polish] Adds a playable race, a Dwemer robot with shields for hands. Requires Tribunal and Bloodmoon.

Dwemer Race Mod by T-Bone
Adds the Dwemer as a playable race.

Dwarf Race & NPCs by Matt
Adds the Dwarf race and NPCs around Morrowind.

Dwarf Race by Blitzer
Adds a new race called Dwarf and Dwarven merchant in Seyda Neen who sells Dwemer articles.

Dwarf Race & Necromancer Class by Sangiunius Adds a Dwarf race and two new classes.

Winged Dwemer Guardians by -Eidolon-
Adds a new creature (race) - the Dwemer Guardian to levelled lists. Also adds a Dark Priest with a unique staff and robes to a Daedric Shrine.

Квесты и гильдии:

Children of the Night Part 2 by JB
During your travels through Vvardenfell you will also discover the mysteries of the Dwemer relic of Zamura

Cult of the Talosec by Martini60
Mournhold Museum has decided to reclaim the artifact of Omnicron, a powerful dark skull which can summon Undead Daedra for the caster. They are looking to hire someone brave or foolish enough to attempt to recover it.

Moon's Spawn by Paul H
Long ago the Dwemer created floating fortresses to oppose Dremora Warlords. A great battle was fought over a remote part of land far off the coast of Vvardenfell. The Dwemer emerged victorious but at great cost. Only one Dwemer fortress, heavily damaged but partially repaired, survived the encounter.

Nehfaern Sanctuary by Aaron "Vaaish" Dickey
The Dwemer are gone, but the stories of a shipwrecked Dwemer lord still float around the town of Gnisis.

The Clockwork Tower by by Tsar_of_Cows
A dungeon crawl with a story behind it in a newly discovered Dwemer ruin.</li>

The Dwemeri Secret by JCSpencer
An archaeologist insists that the Dwemer are not directly responsible for their astounding advances in technology, but rather that they engaged in dark dealings with those not of this world. Why has no one else uncovered this mystery?</li>

The Quests for Daedric Dwemer Helmet by Xanathar
Adds an ancient a Dwemeri helmet based on Daedric design and method; four quests intended for level 35 or higher, starting from  Bthungthumz. See readme. Requires Tribunal and Bloodmoon.

Подземелья и руины:

DvemerINSolsthim_1C by Hronos
Добавляет двемерские руины на СолстХейм.

Altor Island 1.1 by MouLDY_LLaMa
Adds a small island, NW from the mouth of Odai River, with Dwemer ruins and low to mid-level dungeon.

Bloodmoon Dwemer Additions by Blockhead
Adds many Dwemer ruins to Solstheim.

Bloodmoon Dwemer Ruins by Executor Zurg
To reach the dungeon, travel to Solstheim and head for the tiny island underneath Mortrag Glacier.

Dwemer Observing Station by Necrolesian
Adds the Dwemer Observing Station ruin to Lake Amaya, with an entrance through a grotto to the east and the reward of a very powerful sword.

Dunzar by Blockhead
Dunzar is a long dungeon connecting Vivec and Mournhold and corresponds 1:1 to the surface distance between those cities; levelled creatures and  treasure.

Dwemer Graveyard by Qwert
Adds a Dwemer dungeon a thousand levels long. Look for the Dwemer tower near Buckmoth Fort.

Dwemer Tunnels by synthetics
Adds a series of lengthy tunnels connecting seven of the Dwemer Ruins and crawling with levelled creatures.

Underwater Krosmis by D@rk_Blu3
Krosmis is a big ancient Dwemer castle that was buried under the sea decades ago.

Изменения в игре и фиксы:

Dwemer Headache Fix by Sandman
Reduces the ambient noise inside Dwemer ruins.

Dwemer Loot by Poodemon
Adds retextured alchemy set, Dwemer money, lute and many other Dwarven items to levelled lists.

Dwemer Ruins Fix by Crazyboy
Подрывники Адаптатор: Gwathlobal
Этот плагин добавляет обрушившиеся стены в двемерские руины на Вварденфелле, которые можно взрывать ранцевыми зарядами, как в Трибунале. Заряды можно купить у Клагиуса Кланлера, в Балморе. Вход в некоторые (необитаемые) руины также завален.

Illegal Dwemer Trading by Spline
Makes the trading of Dwemer artifacts, weapons, and armor similar to the trading of skooma. Most merchants will refuse service to those who possess Dwemer items.

Компаньоны и NPC:

Explosive spider v1.0 by zOmb
Добавляет в двемерские руины новый вид центурионов - пауков-подрывников. Эти создания использовались двемерами для прокладки туннелей, но теперь, без своих хозяев, они бродят по полуразрушенным городам и нападают на любого встречного. Опасность их заключается в том, что при ударе они взрываются, но это не все их особенности...Необходим Трибунал.

Dwemer Cyborgs by Henkbein
Двемерские киборги Адаптатор:Shock 
Плагин добавляет новую "расу" контролируемых роботов, двемерскую фабрику, небольшой квест. Фабрика производит роботов и необходимое оборудование для их обслуживания и апгрейда. Постройте собственную армию киборгов и завоюйте Вварденфелл, или используйте их в качестве манекенов.

Pocket Pals - Dwemer Mechs by andoreth
Adds figurines that allow the player to summon various Dwemer constructs as familiars. Requires Tribunal and
Pocket Pals - Base Pack.

Shock Centurion Companion 1.2 by Vorwoda the Black
Allows the creation of an enhanced Companion from the Great House Telvanni quest reward of a Shock Centurion - a Dwemer Animunculus that will follow the PC and fight for him or her until destroyed. Requires Tribunal and  Bloodmoon.

The Construct by Endrek
Adds a suit of magically animated armor, The Construct, that will follow your orders and protect you. Be ready for a fight as well as a bit of questing, when you go to find it south of Gnaar Mok. The Construct levels up when you do and it can be ordered to stay put or follow. Check its damage status at any time and repair it with scrap metal.

Yagrum Advanced by M.C.
With this mod, the Last Living Dwarf will now be able to use his Master Crafter skills to build you Sphere, Steam, and Archer Centurion companions, as well as a Dwarven airship to take you anywhere in Morrowind.

Предметы и одежда:

Dwemer Bio-Monitor by Tundro Walker, Адаптация: Gamba69
Уникальный артефакт, творение Кагренака, созданное им до обнаружения сердца Лорхана в недрах Красной горы. ДБМ будет автоматически лечить вас, а также производить необходимые зелья по мере необходимости.

Dwemer Clock Enhanced by TheLys, Адаптация: Boblen
Этот плагин добавляет Двемерский хронометр.
Как играть: Идите в трактир Аррила в Сейда Нин, у него купите Двемерские хронометр.

Это модификация оригинального мода Smileyz' от TheLys. Вы можете менять его настройки.
- авто показ времени каждый новый день/час и после отдыха
- показ Лунных фаз
- функция убирать автоматически позволяет убирать часы после каждого использования без Вашего участия
- часы можно поставить в Быстрое меню (F1)
- Все кнопки "Ок" нажимаются клавишей Enter
- можете использовать его, как маленькую зеленую лампу, если хотите ;-)

£exa's Dwemer Alchemy by Јexa
Двемерская алхимия Адаптатор: Menorra 
Плагин добавляет в игру набор уникальных двемерских алхимических приборов. Все они в одном экземпляре и единственный способ их заполучить - это найти их, исследуя двемерские руины.

Dwemer Cube by Gara Attila
Part of the Balmora Mage Guild Upgrade ; makes soulgems out of gold.

Dwemer Lanterns by Nigedo
Adds rare and powerful, portable Dwemer lanterns that illuminate a large area and will not burn out.

Dwemer Magic Box by Rodrigo Ortiz / Max a.k.a. ~NOBODY~
Волшебная Двемерская Шкатулка Адаптатор: Boblen 
Норд по имени Ангус сейчас в Кальдере. Он ищет путешественника, который бы помог ему восстановить Двемерскую Волшебную Шкатулку. Прежним владельцам он давал ценные и полезные советы, а теперь он может быть Вашим. Участвуете?

Dwemer Music Player by Funky
The player allows you to listen to your own choice of music at any point in the game.

Dwemer Sky Glider by Mykul
Двемерский планер
Двемерский летательный аппарат.

Dwemer Sky Glider Add-on 1.05 by Lady Serena and JamesW
An update to Mykul's classic, adding an attachable Dwemer Machine Gun-type crossbow with special respawning bolts, special gloves and house next to the glider garage.

Dwemer Thermometer by Zappara
Adds temperature values and effects to every single location in Vvardenfall and Solstheim.

Dwemer Trap Device by OderWat
Places a portable trap device near the Mages Guild in Balmora; functions like a lethal land-mine.

Xanondorf's Rare Robes Collection and Dwemer Robe Fix by Xanondorf
Adds four rare robes, found in various tombs, ruins, clothiers and other locations throughout Vvardenfel : Dwemer Robe, Daedric Robe, Oracle's Robe and Necromancer's Robe.

Оружие и броня:

Fusion Weapons by Joel Braddock aka Mantodea
A claymore, spear, and shortsword with stats comparable to Dwemer weapons but each with one hundred points of enchantment.

Dwemer Bow and Helmet by Cethegus
Двемерский лук и шлем_ 1С Адаптация Sokol
Прекрасный двемерский луки отлично переделанный двемерский шлем! Почувствуйте себя истинным двемером! Найти все это богатство можно в двемерских руинах Арктанд. Надо только поискать;)

Dwemer Ice-tipped Weapons and Armor by Frankie Waring
Adds a pewter coloured set of Dwemer arms and armor with blue ice highlights, a staff that fires Frostballs and a small dungeon. Requires Tribunal and Bloodmoon

Dwemer Mk2 and Steel Alloy Armor by Vaernis
Adds three new sets of armor: DwemerMk2 and a light and dark version of Steel Alloy Armor.
Dwemer RPG by WormGod.
Adds a Dwemer rocket propelled explosive device and ammunition.

Dwemer Towershield by T-Bone
Adds the missing Dwemer Towershield; must be placed in-game by the user.

Dwemer Warrior Princess and Firefly Armor by SnakeBitten
Adds an elegant set of new Dwemer armor that you might acquire near Ghostgate and ninja-like set of armor from vendors in the Ald-Rhun Morag Tong Guildhall.

Medium Dwemer Armor by Ratchild
Adds three sets of armour; reskins using Dwemer artwork.

Recoloured Armours and Weapons by Curry
In two parts; the second recolours Dwemer armaments.

Restored Dwemer Armor 1.1 by -Eidolon-
After Divayth Fyr sends you down to get the Dwemer Boots of Flying, talk to Yagrum Bagarn to have him restore Dwemer Armor for you, if you have the right tools.

Snakebitten's Lair by SnakeBitten
Includes Dwemer Princess Armor and some new weapons and Dwemer inventions.

Дома и постройки:

Abandoned Dwemer Lighthouse by Kal-El
The Abandoned Dwemer Lighthouse in Seyda Neen has been used by adventurers for years. It is currently vacant. Requires Tribunal and Bloodmoon.

Artuzu 4.2 Beta by Crazyboy
The house includes an alchemy sorting machine, a training room with pool, a bedroom, and workable kitchen. Also an armoury, clothing room, weapons room and junk storage. Requires Necessities of Morrowind for kitchen.

Balmora Shelter by Eli
Adds a comfortable house in Dwemer style, situated on the Odai River in the center of Balmora.

Dwarven Submersible by The Mad God
Adds a Dwarven submarine in Vivec and a merchant who is willing to sell it.

Dwemer Galleon by Davidevil
In the port of Vivec is a huge war galleon of Dwemer style. Armed with powerful ballistae and an awesome Centurion, it is ready to plough the seas once more.

Dwemer Outpost by Black Glove
A Dwemer style house or outpost close to Balmora on a small island near the Siltstrider.

Dwemer Submarine House by Lochnarus
Adds a Dwemer bathysphere converted into a dwelling, docked in the West Gash region near the mouth of the River Samsi.

Mechanical Manor by Tenner
Adds a manor located inside Abarillius mountain, south of Tel Branora; a mix of Sotha Sil and Dwemer architecture.

Old Keep by Tristan.
A house built in Dwemer style, found at a rocky place near the Vivec Foreign Quarter.

Sorkhaven 1.2 by Michael
An island North of Khuul; includes a manor, trader, transport and Dwemer ruin.

Subway Mod by Euthanasiologist
Adds another way of getting around. Entrances to the Subway are located in cities as stand-alone buildings or are accessible through interior cells.

The Cave Elysian by twEeK
Adds a cave to the Ascadian Isles Region near Seyda Neen, containing a house with a garden, entry-way, atrium, bedroom, library, labratory and cellar.

Zetuleft's Dwemer Shop by firedrakearchon
Adds a shop to the Telvanni Plaza in Vivec, run by two Dwarves who sell almost all Dwemeri items. Requires Book Rotate.

Модели и ресурсы:

Greater Dwemer Ruins Resources by Nedius, PirateLord and team
I'm releasing everything I have as a modders resource for this now dead project. GDR was a mod with a team of people to add more levels to all the dwemer ruins in the game. To achieve this, we produced 137 new meshes (either retextures or brand new). Things like armor, weapons, books, interior pieces, steam traps, etc, etc. Included in .

New Dwemer Coin by MrMistophelees
Retexture and slight deformation of the Dwemer coin to make it look more worn and weathered.

Blue Dwemer Retex by VampyrPrince
Texture replacer; recolors most of the Dwemer architecture blue.

Dwemer Golem by Damien
A modders' resource with the Dwemer Golem as a non-playable race. It can be used to create a new NPC or enemy.

Dwemer Imperial Tileset by SciMuse
A reskin of the Dwemer tileset with an Imperial flavor.

Dwemer Platform Pack by pianomanDylan
A small download of six Dwemer meshes: platforms, beams, a beam clamp and a pipe-column.

Dwemer Vertical Shaft Meshes by pianomanDylan
A small download of ten Dwemer meshes for vertical structure and exits.

Shannons Dwemer Texture Replacer by Shannon
A Dwemer ruins texture replacer, with the metallic appearance like the original Dwemer textures.

Источник: http://rumor.ru/forum/index.php?topic=2503.0
Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: Бафур (2011 Кервет 09) | Автор: Tiara
Просмотров: 1994 | Теги: Морровинд, двемеры, Плагины, моды, гномы
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